At the end of the year, I like to document the moments I am grateful for that occurred over the past year. I find it to be a great way to renew my generally positive outlook on life by slowing down for a couple of hours as I write this blog and look back at all the happy little moments that can be so easy to forget in the midst of this fast-paced and increasingly negative news cycle we find ourselves living in. I've also taken up writing in a journal, something I haven't done since my Dear Diary days as a child. I've read that gratitude has positive effects on both a person's mental and physical health, and I think that making a conscious effort to document the good things in ones life is a worthwhile endeavor for us all to do. So with that in mind, here's a look back at some of my favorite moments from 2024.
January gave us the opportunity to connect with old friends at our housewarming party and reminded us of how important it is to make time to spend with those we love. We had an unusually cold snow storm which is always a worry for me and in particular for the oldest and smallest members of the flock, but thankfully everyone came through it just fine with a little extra TLC. February brought the return of our rainbow eggs, which is one of my favorite simple pleasures of this farm life. Gathering eggs and finding these little gifts in the nest boxes is something that I'll never get tired of. Spring blossoms and the return of gardening season arrived in March and this time of year is always greeted with a very warm welcome. Seeing life returning to the garden has such a special way of reinvigorating my spirit for the season ahead.
April brought the addition of a new chore buddy as Peggy Sue, my littlest yet most adventurous chicken, started waiting for me outside the back door in the mornings along with OJ the farm cat, both ready to escort me on my morning rounds. By May, the muddy ground had transformed into the lush green that Oregon is known for. It's always a happy sight seeing the flock enjoying life to the fullest, foraging for bugs in the grass, and doing all the things that chickens everywhere should have the right to do. Starting in June fresh-cut flowers and colorful garden harvests graced the kitchin island almost continuously. I grew a new-to-me variety of snap pea called 'Sugar Magnolia'. It's two-toned flowers and purple peas made a beautiful display on my arch trellis, and it earned a spot as a must grow again in this year's garden.
July bathed us in sunshine the whole month through and gave us lots of beautiful days spent enjoying the flock, especially Dora, the sweetest turkey I've ever had who follows me around the turkey yard like the most adorable feathered puppy. In August we took some rare time away from the farm for a trip to Glacier National Park in Montana which has been on my bucket list for a long time. As much as I love life on the farm, and as happy as I am most days that I rarely have to leave, it is also a good thing to treat oneself to a little bit of adventure now and then, and the return home always makes me appreciate what a special life we have here all the more. September brought the long-awaited harvests of beautiful tomatoes in a multitude of shapes and colors. If I had to choose only one thing to grow in the garden, it would definitely be tomatoes!
In October I received an advance copy of the book I wrote about raising turkeys, and it truly is a dream come true to have been able to write this book and share all I've learned about raising these beautiful, charismatic birds with all of you. It will be released on January 7, 2025, and is available for pre-order now from your favorite book retailer. The fall rains returned in November, and we discovered much to our delight that the chanterelle mushrooms had returned to our old favorite spot to go mushroom hunting, which was logged and stopped producing for a few years. Although I dislike the dark and cold that December brings, there's no denying that the winter months give us the most spectacular sunrises. Spending a few minutes appreciating these moments when the sky puts on such a beautiful display is always a good reminder for me to appreciate these little moments. The holidays are a busy time of year, and also a sad time for some, so anything you can do to take a little time for yourself and make a little cheer, it's worth doing. For me that meant adding some holiday flair to the chicken coop, yes it's silly, but it also makes me smile every time I see it.
In closing, a friend of mine shared this quote recently, and it resonated with me. I hope it does for you too. "Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart